Tips on measuring your label area
Before you can get started with your label design you need to know how big or small you need to make them.
When we create custom label designs we start with the printable size that way our design is ready for print. This helps us make sure fonts are the correct size and also any required symbols, QR codes or anything that might require a specific size are sized properly.
One of the most common types of packaging that we design labels for are jars and bottles. Jars usually have space on the top lid for a label and also one that wraps around the outside of the jar.
Step 1. Measure Lid
To measure the size of the label for the jar lid you need to take the trusty old ruler and measure the size of the flat space, in inches along the top lid. Keep in mind that if your label size is is the exact size of the lid you are going to have a hard time placing the label on the lid. Try and keep .25″ – .5″ minimum within the diameter of your lid for easier placement.
Step 2. Measure the wrap label
To measure the outside wrap label that will go around the jar you need to find the circumference of your jar (or bottle). The equation to find out the circumference is simply multiply the diameter by pie (approx. 3.14). When you get that number. That will give you the exact length to wrap a label around your entire jar (or bottle). Same with the lid label you will want to make it a little shorter so there is a slight gap between the beginning and end of the label once placed on your product.
Step 3. Measure the wrap label height
For the wrap label height, you are going to want to measure the flat space in between the curve of the top and bottom of the jar (or bottle) without the lid. This is your preference on how much space is left on the top or the bottom. Do keep in mind that if you have a lot of information that needs to be included in your label design, you need to allow for more space in the label design which would require a larger label.
If your packaging has less than a half inch or so of space for a wrap label, you might only be able to have a lid label for that specific product. In that instance a custom box design might be better if you need more information to be displayed in the design.
Mylar bags are a little different to measure so we will write up a separate article for how to measure label size for mylar bags.

Mylar bags range in size and so do the labels that are used. We like to create custom die cut labels for mylar bags that allow you to see the contents of the bag. Check out these awesome mylar labels we designed and printed for Haystack Caps!